The Fuse

Man looking out of the window

Switzerland, 18 mins

A struggling senior garbageman decides to hang-up on life after having been discarded from his job and embarks on a journey to find a fuse.

Writer/Director: Kevin Haefelin
Producer: Youmi Haefelin-Roch
Director of Photography: Pietro Zuercher, SCS
Editor: Kevin Haefelin
Composer: N/A

Cast: Jorge Gabino

Contact: Kevin Haefelin,

Virtual Screening

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Program H

Sunday, May 14th at 7pm ET

Kevin Haefelin Headshot

About the Writer/Director

Kevin Haefelin (he/him) is a Swiss writer/director. He graduated in film with a BFA from HEAD Geneva and an MFA from Columbia University. He recently completed a trilogy of short films on NYC and is developing his first feature “Pufferfish” which took part in the Torino Film Lab & IFFR Rotterdam Lab. Kevin’s work revolves around societal issues and uses comedic tones. He is particularly sensitive to social injustice and misrepresentation and has been striving to voice concerns and anchor his pieces in contemporary settings. His films have been invited to 32 countries within international festival programs and have won over 40 awards. He was in competition for the Pardi di Domani at Locarno, and nominated for the Swiss Film Award, IMDb New Filmmakers Awards, and BAFTA Student Film Awards.


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