
still from Yearning of family sitting at table

China, 12 mins, Digital 

A Chinese actress decides to abort her baby before going off to pursue her dreams of Broadway in New York. Given pause from her close friends' concerns with her decision, she wonders if it's too late to change her mind.

Film Language: Chinese & English

Writer/Director: Shae Xu 
Producers: Ariel Qi
Cinematographer: Fei Yang
Editors: Shae Xu
Production Designer: Yuanjiong Lu
Sound Designer: Delu Duan
Original Music: Kat Vokes

Cast: Luying Gu, Qi Shao, Haofei Chen

Contact: Ariel Qi,

Program I

Film Screenings:

May 7th at 7pm ET

May 14th at 7pm ET

headshot of Shae Xu

About the Director/Writer

Shae Xu is a Shanghai filmmaker based in New York. Her photos and videos were seen in the galleries, and her narrative films unveil a feminist’s concern in a fast-growing China. Xu is a Talents Tokyo alumni, an MFA candidate at Columbia University and the winner of the DGA’s 2020 Student Film Awards for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Women’s category.

About the Producer

Ariel Qi is a Columbia MFA producing candidate, born-and-raised Shanghainese, self-taught baker, and a brand new soul. Based in Shanghai and New York, Ariel started making films since 2018. Her first short won ’Best Student Short’ at Los Angeles Film Academy. She‘s attempting to have a career in development, and become someone who brings you great films and sickest desserts.


White Peacock


You Don’t Know Anything